
Russia to Continue Nuclear Blackmailing, Strategic Forces Are On the 24-Hour Readiness – Ukraine’s Intelligence

The RS-24 Yars missile launch / Illustrative photo from open sources
The RS-24 Yars missile launch / Illustrative photo from open sources

The Kremlin has planned to launch land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles as well as missiles from underwater missile carriers, as well as launch cruise missiles from strategic aircraft

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (HUR MOU) reported that the Kremlin is intensifying nuclear blackmailing, which is about to reach a new critical point during the visit of the US president to Europe on February 20-22.

In particular, russians are actively preparing entire nuclear strategic triad for launch. They have already conducted an inspection of the Monolit centralized combat control system, the forces readiness itself is maintained within the limits of 24-hour combat readiness.

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In particular, the command to advance to the future launch location has already been given to a strategic missile submarine missile carrier. Strategic aviation forces and strategic missile forces are in the process of preparing.

At the same time, in some russian sources there has been information the russian federation should conduct a number of practical launches of ballistic missiles in one day. In particular, the second test of the RS-28 Sarmat should be conducted. Also, another launch of Yars missile I to be carried out, which is a modernization of the Soviet Topol. At the same time, it is noted that the first test launch of the new Sirena-M command missile will be carried out a well.

In particular, it is known about the development of the 15U75 Sirena missile, which is part of the Perimetr system. This missile was based on Topol and, apparently, Sirena-M is based on the RS-24 Yars.

Russia to Continue Nuclear Blackmailing, Strategic Forces Are On the 24-Hour Readiness – Ukraine’s Intelligence, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
The RS-24 Yars can be in mobile and underground versions / Illustrative photo from open sources

The Perimetr system itself is also known by name "Dead Hand", it’s an element of the automated control system of strategic missile forces. Its essence is that the radio command for the mass launch of ballistic missiles is carried out from the launched command missile.

The launch of the Sirena missile is carried out on command, or in automatic mode in the case of fixing a number of factors, in particular, an increase of the nuclear radiation level on russia’s territory, lack of communication with command posts, etc. The development of this system in the USSR was supposed to guarantee a nuclear retaliatory strike even in the conditions of the destruction of the general system of military management.

Russia to Continue Nuclear Blackmailing, Strategic Forces Are On the 24-Hour Readiness – Ukraine’s Intelligence, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
The UR 100 UTTH / Illustrative photo from open sources

As the HUR MOU noted: "Such actions of russia’s military and political leadership are an attempt to hinder Joe Biden's visit to Europe through direct nuclear blackmail and to weaken international support for Ukraine."

Defense Express reminds that recently there has been a suspicious training of aircraft of rusia’s Ministry of Defense, when two Tu-214PU-SBUS air command posts and three more departmental planes were in the air at once.

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