
Not only Bayraktar-TB2: In Poland Funds are Being Raised for Warmate Drones for Ukraine

Photo for illustration / Polish dron Warmate
Photo for illustration / Polish dron Warmate

Poland continues to help Ukraine to defend from russian agressions. The Poles, inspired by the example of Lithuania and, in fact, Ukraine, started their own fundraising not only for Bayraktar TB2, but another one drone for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

For 15 days of fundraising for the Turkish reconnaissance and attack drone, the Poles have already collected more than half of the required amount - more than 13 million zlotys out of the 22.5 million required for one drone.

At the same time, the Poles decided not to stop at Bayraktar TB2 alone and announced the start of another fundraising - this time for Polish unmanned attack systems Warmate for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Read more: Ukraine’s Military Are Grateful to Poland, Czech Republic for Tanks

Funds from the public are being collected on the pomocam.pl website. The goal of the campaign is PLN 4,000,000.

To avoid transferring to the personal account of the organizer, the funds will be transferred to the account of an NGO (foundation), which will perform the payment for the purchase of these weapons from the Polish manufacturer, WB Electronics.

“Do you remember the “Polish” Bayraktar? Now is the time for truly Polish combat unmanned aerial vehicles for Ukraine! Together with several friends, we decided to create a fundraiser in support of Ukraine, this time with truly Polish weapons,” the campaign organizers wrote.

Photo for illustration / Polish dron Warmate
Photo for illustration / Polish dron Warmate

Fundraising organizers have agreed that the WB Group, which owns the WB Electronics enterprise, will take over the organizational function in part of communicating with the Ukrainian side, transporting and transferring the manufactured Warmate kamikaze drones to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The fundraising was organized by Jarosław Starkovich, who is following the Polish defense industry, and freelancer Mateusz Kaczyński.

Warmate is a loitering munition developed by WB Electronics, which was first introduced in 2014. The manufacturer declares the ammunition as a good alternative to guided anti-tank missiles.

It allows destroying the enemy’s equipment at a greater distance, simplifying the process of identifying and impressing the target compared with ATGMs.

The combat unmanned aerial vehicle in version 3.0 has improved parameters. These include, among other things, an increase in radio communication range and operating range.

The new version is equipped with an engine that is significantly less noisy. The system has the ability to automatically fold the propeller blades in the final attack phase.

Read more: ​Poland Has Sent Over 240 Tanks, $2 Billion Worth of Weapons to Ukraine – Andrzej Duda