
​Modified Latvian Drone Shot Down in the South of russia (Video)

Unverified reports suggest Latvian Penguin C drone crashed in russia’s Gorodovikovsky district / screenshot from video
Unverified reports suggest Latvian Penguin C drone crashed in russia’s Gorodovikovsky district / screenshot from video

Unverified reports suggest Latvian Penguin C drone crashed in russia’s Gorodovikovsky district

Unverified reports have emerged claiming the downing of an unmanned aerial vehicle resembling the Penguin C long-range reconnaissance drone, manufactured by Latvian UAVFACTORY. The incident is said to have occurred in the Gorodovikovsky district of the Republic of Kalmykia, russia.

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The source cites video footage depicting a damaged UAV visually consistent with the Penguin C drone. Furthermore, the publication suggests the drone’s flight range may have been modified to enable a deeper strike mission within russia, potentially repurposing it as a kamikaze drone. The report additionally highlights that this would not be the first instance of modified reconnaissance drones reportedly entering russian airspace.

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