
​M777 Displacement in 80 Seconds: Ukrainian Artillerymen Show How It’s Done

Illustrative photo credit: 44th Artillery Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Illustrative photo credit: 44th Artillery Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The "Triple Seven" is expected to be prepared to leave its firing position in 2 to 3 minutes, however, that’s just too easy for the Ukrainian troops

Ukrainian artillerymen managed to displace the American M777 towed howitzer in about 80 seconds right after shooting on russian positions, as we can see in the recent video surfing through social media.

The crew of eight people is working as "single mechanism," as noted by the author. The M777 is designed so it is operated by a group of eight people, and there are 11 people in the video, including the operator. But two of them walk away, probably to bring in the tractor.

Read more: Ukraine’s Artillerymen Learn to Strike russians With M119A3 105mm Howitzers, With Digital Fire Control System

The manufacturer BAE Systems claims the displacement of the howitzer is two to three minutes. But the combat experience gained during months of operating this system fruits in such impressive results. As a reminder, the first of the M777 guns were delivered to Ukraine in late April this year. And Ukrainians used them so extensively that by mid-June several dozen howitzers had already been burned out and undergoing repairs, The Washington Post says.

The operational mobility of the M777 allows it to be transported at speeds of 88 k/h on the road or 24 k/h (cross-country) / Illustrative photo credit: CinC AF of Ukraine

It should be noted that M777 is considered a lightweight howitzer with its production weight of 3,745 kg (Army Technology), while the fully equipped system weighs up to 4,200 kg. This means operational mobility is the key advantage of this gun in counter-battery warfare, other than its 155mm caliber against russian mostly 152mm guns.

In this regard, not only the characteristics of this weapon system matter, but also the timings: how fast you shoot, how quickly you relocate and strike. So here is another piece of this video showing the artillerymen firing from allegedly the same spot before they depart for another location. As a side note, such an intense rate of fire is only applicable for not more than two minutes, according to the manufacturer.

Read more: How Many 155mm Shells the US Has Transferred to Ukraine And Do They Have Problems With Them