
Destruction in Three Actus, Or How a russian T-90M Proryv was Annihilated in Ukraine (Video)

A russian T-90M Proryv main battle tank / Illustrative photo from russian media
A russian T-90M Proryv main battle tank / Illustrative photo from russian media

Over the few recent months, russians have been increasingly losing T-90 tanks; now at least 30 of them have been visually confirmed as destroyed by Ukrainian forces since February 2022

Another T-90M Proryv main battle tank of the russian invasion forces has been destroyed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The episode that took place near the village of Kurdiumivka in the Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, was captured on cameras by drones. The russian tank was eliminated by the soldiers of the 28th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Army.

The destruction of this tank, essentially, was performed "in three acts". The video starts with a hit in the rear part of the tank, as noted by the authors, with a suicide drone deployed by Ukrainians. Presumably, the engine was damaged by this initial strike.

Read more: Ukrainian Drones Disabled a russian T-90 With Improvised Explosives (Video)
Layout of the T-90MS tank (export version).
Layout of the T-90MS tank (export version). Note: some details of the equipment mentioned in the graphics may be outdated. The image is provided for illustrative purposes. From the manufacturer's brochure / Image credit: Thai Military and Asian Region website

Having dragged for another few dozen meters, the smoking vehicle stalled, the crew escaped the tank.

T-90M Proryv destroyed
"The First Act" – the tank halts and the crew escapes / Screenshot credit: NOELreports

After that, another UAV brought some droppable grenades, allegedly of the thermobaric type. Apparently, it aimed to finish off the immobilized tank but it's hard to say whether it actually received any critical damage.

T-90M Proryv destroyed
"The Second Act" – a drone arrives to drop explosives on the immobilized T-90M / Screenshot credit: NOELreports

Then, another short footage appeared online showing the same vehicle, now with its turret torn apart. It seems that Ukrainian forces decided to launch another strike to destroy it completely – a reasonable decision so that the russians couldn't return and evacuate the T-90M for repairs.

T-90M Proryv destroyed
"The Third Act" – the same T-90M finished off, probably, with an artillery strike / Screenshot credit: NOELreports

Earlier Defense Express covered how soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine "bombed out" a T-90M with improvised explosives. That time around, a more sophisticated drone was deployed for the mission, equipped with a thermal camera. Although it wasn't as severely damaged as a result, it was still put out of order.

Read more: ​Impressive Arsenal: the Wagner Group Transferred Weapons and Equipment to russian Army (Photos)