
Defense Express’ Weekly Review: News in Ukrainian Aviation and russian Armored Vehicles

The A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft / open source
The A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft / open source

Digest of Defense Express on the main events of the week

Russia Claim that the A-50 Aircraft Is Now Able to Guide Surface-to-Air Missiles from the S-400 System

After Sergei Shoigu, the Minister Defense of the russian federation, announced the supposed shooting down of 24 planes in just five days, TASS, russian state-owned news agency, reported that a new scheme was used for this, involving the use of the A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft in tandem with the S-400 missile system.

The A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft Defense Express Defense Express’ Weekly Review: News in Ukrainian Aviation and russian Armored Vehicles
The A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft / open source

Ukrainian Military Demonstrated the Use of the Novator Vehicle and Skif System

The Armed Forces of Ukraine demonstrated how they used the Novator armored vehicle, manufactured by Ukrainian Armor, and the Skif (also known as the Stugna-P) anti-tank guided missile system for the lightning fast destruction of russian armored vehicles.

Read more: Chronicle of the russian federation Crimes in Ukraine (October 2023)
The Novator armored vehicle Defense Express Defense Express’ Weekly Review: News in Ukrainian Aviation and russian Armored Vehicles
The Novator armored vehicle / open source

Ukraine May Receive Mi-24 Helicopters From Its Neighbouring Country Switching to AH-1Z Viper Helicopters

The Czech Air Force held a ceremony to say goodbye to its last Mi-24 and Mi-35 attack helicopters, which will be replaced by Western helicopters. The first helicopters of the AH-1Z Viper and UH-1Y Venom types have already arrived in the Czech Republic.

The Mi-24B attack helicopter Defense Express Defense Express’ Weekly Review: News in Ukrainian Aviation and russian Armored Vehicles
The Mi-24B attack helicopter / open source

The Czech Air Force kept 10 Mi-35 helicopters in service, of which only 7 were operational. Now decommissioned helicopters of this type, as well as the remains of the Mi-24 helicopters, the Czech Republic plans to transfer to Ukraine.

Newly Reactivated BMD-3 Infantry Fighting Vehicles Hint at Secret russian Stockpiles

The photos have appeared on the network indicating that the newly created parts of the russian Airborne Forces receive combat vehicles – the BMD-3 infantry fighting vehicles. The BMD-3 vehicles were essentially removed from the inventory until recently and were not even listed in the russian army’s storage facilities, according to Military Balance 2023.

The BMD-3 infantry fighting vehicle Defense Express Defense Express’ Weekly Review: News in Ukrainian Aviation and russian Armored Vehicles
The BMD-3 infantry fighting vehicle / open source

Additional 9,000 Armored Vehicles Could be Resting in russian Storages

Based on public satellite images published in different periods of time, OSINT analysts HighMarsed and CovertCabal calculated the number of armored equipment the Armed Forces of the russian federation still have in long-term storage.

Read more: Chronicle of the russian federation Crimes in Ukraine (September 2023)