According to the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier is in a poor condition. It is out of service for a refit at the 35th Shipyard in Murmansk, russia.
The ship was supposed to be transferred from a dry dock to one of the berths. But it turned out that the carrier is not able to sail on its own power and can’t be moved by the tugboats because of the critical condition of the hull.
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The Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier can’t be launched or it will sink, according to the experts on ship repair. Therefore, russia has already imposed a fine of 1.5 million rubles on the 35th Shipyard for “missed repair deadlines and breach of contract”.
The enterprise management, in its turn, has published a letter, assuring that the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier condition isn’t their fault. There is a strong possibility that the military representative at the plant which have been monitoring the repair process will be accused.
The estimated completion date is unknown. It also remains unclear whether it will ever be in a service again.
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