
​Ukraine Unveils World’s First Drone Warfare Branch

First Deputy Minister Ivan Havryliuk underscores the role of advanced drone systems in enhancing frontline operations and personnel safety / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
First Deputy Minister Ivan Havryliuk underscores the role of advanced drone systems in enhancing frontline operations and personnel safety / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

First Deputy Minister Ivan Havryliuk underscores the role of advanced drone systems in enhancing frontline operations and personnel safety

The Armed Forces of Ukraine unveiled a new branch, the Unmanned Systems Forces, making Ukraine the first country to establish such force. First Deputy Minister of Defense Ivan Havryliuk highlighted that these drone systems will enhance the protection of military personnel and enable strikes against the enemy from the front lines to Ural.

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Commander of the Unmanned Systems Forces Vadym Sukharevskyi emphasized that Ukraine is incorporating lessons from modern military engagements and is poised to set the standards in this conflict.

The emblem of the branch, a swallow designed by AI, symbolizes victory.

First Deputy Minister Ivan Havryliuk underscores the role of advanced drone systems in enhancing frontline operations and personnel safety Defense Express Ukraine Unveils World’s First Drone Warfare Branch
First Deputy Minister Ivan Havryliuk underscores the role of advanced drone systems in enhancing frontline operations and personnel safety / Photo credit: The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
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