
Ukraine's Silent Weapon Made russians Give Up on Ever Using One of Their UAVs on Frontline

Illustrative photo: PLASTUN-RP3000 tactical direction finding system deployed / Photo credit: Infozahyst
Illustrative photo: PLASTUN-RP3000 tactical direction finding system deployed / Photo credit: Infozahyst

Electronic warfare and intelligence systems rarely get much attention or appear in spectacular videos but they play an important role on the battlefield nonetheless

The importance of Electronic Warfare (EW) equipment on the frontline of the russo-Ukrainian war was well highlighted in the interview published by European Security & Defence. Speaker: Yaroslav Kalinin, CEO of Infozahyst, a Ukrainian company producing jammers, electronic intelligence (ELINT) systems, communication tools, and software for all this equipment as well.

A lengthy talk with the company director includes an interesting episode demonstrating the effectiveness of EW systems against russian unmanned aerial vehicles.

Read more: russians Stretch Anti-Drone Nets Near Bakhmut, and It Could Prove Effective
Yaroslav Kalinin, CEO of Infozahyst, at the interview with European Security & Defence
Yaroslav Kalinin, CEO of Infozahyst (on the right), at the interview with a European Security & Defence journalist (left) / Photo credit: Infozahyst (rendered)

Kalinin told the magazine that the russian invasion army had to completely stop using one of its UAVs because too many were lost to an EW system developed by his company.

Such an effect was achieved due to a combination of measures: first, Infozahyst specialists learned how to intercept the signals to a certain type of drone utilized by russia forces, then developed ways to counter this UAV.

PLASTUN-RP3000 direction finder in action
Illustrative photo: PLASTUN-RP3000 direction finder in action / Photo credit: Infozahyst

The names of either the type of aerial drone in question or the EW equipment capable of disabling it were not disclosed due to security reasons; but that is not the most important here.

This story showcases how flexible and proficient Ukrainian engineers and their projects can be, created and honed in real battles, with compliance to the relevant needs of the soldiers on the ground and improved by their regular feedback.

Several variants of the Ardronis Counter-UAS system
Illustrative photo: Several variants of the Ardronis Counter-UAS system. Note: text machine translation by Google / Screengrab from Infozahyst website

Defense Express memo: Infozahyst is a Ukrainian-based research and production center offering a variety of EW solutions that have already found their way to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including the Khortytsia-M COMINT system and PLASTUN-RP3000 tactical direction-finding system.

Earlier we also reported that this company's own AWACS drone named Gekata has entered a new development stage and is expected to be fully prepared to fly the frontlines by the end of this year already.

Read more: Ukraine's Own AWACS Drone Gekata Enters New Development Stage