
The Number of russia’s BRDM-2MS Scout Vehicles Is Increasing, They Are Modernized By the Same Plant That Restores the T-62’s

The BRDM-2MS scout car / Illustrative photo from open sources
The BRDM-2MS scout car / Illustrative photo from open sources

BRDM-2MS is modernization of a Soviet light scout vehicle, which russia is planning to apply this vehicle with airborne units

The russian federation is actively supplying own troops with the BRDM-2MS’s, which is basically the modernized BRDM-2 scout vehicle.

An echelon with about 10 units of such vehicles was spotted in Ulan-Ude on the Trans-Siberian highway that runs through the city. In addition to the BRDM-2MS’s, there were also KamAZs trucks in the condition, which suggests that they had been removed from storage.

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Overall, the BRDM-2MS is a deep modernization of the Soviet scout vehicle. In particular, due to additional armor, protection against small arms was increased. Russians declare the vehicle’s ability to withstand a frontal projection of 14.5 mm from 300 meters, and circular protection from 12.7 mm, while the very basic armor of the BRDM-2 holds only automatic and rifle calibers and ordinary bullets. In particular, the side armor-piercing 7.62×54 mm is penetrated from a distance of 200 meters, and the frontal armor does not hold 12.7 mm already from 500 meters.

The Number of russia’s BRDM-2MS Scout Vehicles Is Increasing, They Are Modernized By the Same Plant That Restores the T-62’s, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
The BRDM-2MS scout car / Illustrative photo from open sources

The engine was also updated, which now has a power of 140-150 hp, its origin is kept secret. Two pairs of pneumatic wheels in the center of the body, which the Soviet designers installed for greater passability were dismantled and. Despite the fact that the armament of the vehicle is not changed, a commander's panorama with day and night channels is installed, which ensures the detection of targets at a range of 5 km and 3.5 km, in accordance with the official statement.

In 2019, russia actively distributed these machines to its allies, in particular, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Myanmar, Tajikistan and Serbia received batches of several dozen BRDM-2MS’s. The Serbs even published a detailed video with this vehicle.

Defense Express notes that the 103rd armored repair plant near Chita, which is now better known for restoring the T-62 tanks, is engaged in the modernization of this vehicle as well. These BRDM’s have already been spot in the workshop.

The Number of russia’s BRDM-2MS Scout Vehicles Is Increasing, They Are Modernized By the Same Plant That Restores the T-62’s, Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
The BRDM-2MS scout car / Illustrative photo from open sources

The first batch of the BRDM-2MS appeared in October of last year, stating that they were going to the landing forces.

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