
russia Announces Serial Production of MiS-35: What Kind of Weapon is This?

The MiS-35 UAV
The MiS-35 UAV

The MiS-35 is designed to perform both strike and reconnaissance missions and can carry a maximum payload of 4.5 kg

The russian defense industry has started mass production of one of its new developments, the MiS-35 strike-reconnaissance hexacopter, which the enemy positions as a "mini 'Baba Yaga'" (referring to the Ukrainian strike hexacopter).

As reported by enemy propaganda media, it is designed to conduct both strike and reconnaissance missions.

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The MiS-35 UAV, Defense Express
The MiS-35 UAV

The MiS design bureau states, "The device utilizes our developed guidance system, which ensures the drone's safe return to its point of departure even if communication with the operator is completely lost. This system relies on inertial navigation principles and operates independently of GPS, making it a valuable asset in enhancing drone performance in electronic warfare scenarios. The guidance system navigates the drone out of the electronic warfare area until communication with the operator is reestablished."

"The MiS-35 UAV is designed based on the hexacopter configuration, featuring six propeller-driven units and a foldable transportation system. It boasts a payload capacity of up to 4.5 kg, a maximum flight speed of 63 km/h, and a maximum flight time of 32 minutes when carrying a load. Additionally, the drone comes equipped with a cargo drop mechanism, an analog camera with six-fold zoom capability, a communication channel resistant to interference, and the option to install a thermal imager," the report added.

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