
GCS Will Deliver 60 Demining Machines to Ukraine by Mid-2024

The GCS demining machine / Photo credit: GCS
The GCS demining machine / Photo credit: GCS

Global Clearance Solutions has announced it will deliver 60 demining machines to Ukraine by mid-2024

By mid-2024, the Swiss company Global Clearance Solutions (GCS) will provide Ukraine with 60 demining machines. This is a critical step towards clearing the landmines and other explosive remnants of war left behind by the russian invasion.

“Global Clearance Solutions (GCS) is proud to have risen to the challenge posed by deadly landmines and explosive remnants of war since the start of conflict in Ukraine, and with our experience worldwide, has been on-the-ground and delivering our remote-controlled, mechanical demining technology throughout 2023,” the company wrote.

Read more: Switzerland Allocated 100 Million Swiss Francs for Ukraine’s Humanitarian Demining

As noted by CEO and co-founder Philipp von Michaelis, these state-of-the-art platforms require training and strict safety protocols, which the company of course offers to its clients and partners.

“By mid-2024, we will have delivered sixty demining platforms to Ukraine, helping create safe environments, facilitate recovery for civilians and save lives. We are grateful to donors who make this endeavour possible: the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), KfW and DEG Impulse,” the company wrote.

GCS’s demining machines will help to clear dangerous explosives, making it safer for people to live and work in Ukraine. This will be a major boost to the country’s reconstruction efforts and will help to ensure the long-term safety and well-being of its citizens.

Read more: ​UK Provides Ukraine with Equipment for Territory Demining