
Weapons From Africa In Ukraine: Ukraine’s Military Hit the Invaders With "Unexpected" 120-mm Ammunition

Illustrative photo from open sources
Illustrative photo from open sources

Another sample of ammunition to Ukraine’s list of weapons from unexpected "suppliers"

The Armed Forces of Ukraine receive weapons and military equipment from allies and other sources, but sometimes they turn out to be quite unexpected, such as the mines, as Ukraine Weapons Tracker highlighted.

In the photo, which was taken next to the position of Ukraine’s mortar operators, there were noticed Sudanese 120-mm HE-843 marked mortar boxes indicating the origin of the ammunition.

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Weapons from Africa In Ukraine: Ukraine’s Military Hit the Invaders With
120mm mortar mines

For comparison, a photo of similar boxes is shown, which was taken in Sudan in 201: in particular, the number "116" refers to the warehouse numbered 116 of the A10 plant.

At the same time, the question of how this ammunition got to Ukraine remains relevant. One option is a third-party purchase of weapons specifically for Ukraine, which is often practiced to obtain weapons from countries that cannot supply them directly.

Weapons from Africa In Ukraine: Ukraine’s Military Hit the Invaders With
On the left - boxes with mines that were seen in Ukraine, on the right - a photo from Sudan / Photo credits: @conflictarm

Another option is that these munitions were seized from one of the illegal arms shipments and were later transferred to Ukraine.

Previously, Defense Express reported that russia overestimated own reserves assessment so much that they were forced to take ammunition from export contracts, in particular, the occupiers used the 152-mm shells intended to be supplied to Azerbaijan.

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