
The Krab Self-Propelled Gun Fires M982 Excalibur Rounds For the First Time On Camera (Video)

Polish Krab SPGs / Illustrative photo from open sources
Polish Krab SPGs / Illustrative photo from open sources

How Polish self-propelled guns cope with russian self-propelled artillery

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are actively striking the russian occupying army with Polish 155mm Krab self-propelled artillery guns: a detailed story about the applying these self-propelled guns was published by Radio Svoboda as part of the "Nastoyastchee vremya" project.

The video was filmed directly during the work of the Polish self-propelled guns on the positions of the russians in Luhansk oblast. By means of a drone, the reconnaissance revealed the positions of the russian 2S19 Msta-S self-propelled guns, after that Ukraine’s gunners began work.

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Allegedly, four M982 Excalibur high-precision artillery munitions were fired in the direction of the russian positions: two of them accurately hit the russian self-propelled guns, two hit approximately three meters from the enemy SPGs.

The Krab Self-Propelled Gun Fires M982 Excalibur Rounds For the First Time On Camera (Video), Defense Express, war in Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian war
Polish Krab SPG / Illustrative photo from open sources

It is noted that in this direction, where the Krab self-propelled guns are operating, very dynamic battles are taking place: the situation changes daily, but despite the fact that the enemy has more artillery guns and shells, they cannot advance, while Ukraine’s military has advanced 5 km in this week.

There’s an interesting fact in this news: as the article by Defence24.pl suggested, this video basically confirmed for the first time "in practice" that the Polish Krab self-propelled guns are adapted for firing a high-precision Excalibur projectile: this means that these SPGs have the option to hit targets at a distance of more than 50 km with accurate shots.

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