
​The UK Defense Intelligence: russia’s War in Ukraine Drains Healthcare System, Leading to Critical Staffing Shortages

Mobilization pulls doctors and nurses away from civilian care, further straining underfunded system / Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine
Mobilization pulls doctors and nurses away from civilian care, further straining underfunded system / Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine

Mobilization pulls doctors and nurses away from civilian care, further straining underfunded system

There are indications that russia’s war in Ukraine is contributing to a shortage of healthcare professionals across russia. Shortly after mobilization of the russian military in September 2022, healthcare professionals were warned not to leave the country; however up to 2% of russian doctors and healthcare professionals did leave the country to avoid the draft. Additionally, up to 3,000 medical staff have likely been mobilized to assist in combat medical care, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

In November 2023, the russian Ministry of Health stated that the medical sector lacked about 26,500 doctors and 58,200 nursing staff. There is a significant shortage of doctors in 22 regions, and in another seven it is assessed as severe. Another estimate from January 2024 suggests that in the previous 15 months, the number of doctors declined by 7,500 – with many blaming long hours and low pay. The Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Government noted in its report on the 2024 budget that poorer regions of russia in particular would have problems financing medical salaries.

Read more: ​The russians Are Depriving Ukrainians in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of their Right to Medical Care
Mobilization pulls doctors and nurses away from civilian care, further straining underfunded system Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence: russia’s War in Ukraine Drains Healthcare System, Leading to Critical Staffing Shortages
Mobilization pulls doctors and nurses away from civilian care, further straining underfunded system / Photo credit: National Resistance Center of Ukraine

The heavy resource and financial burden of supporting russia’s war in Ukraine is negatively affecting a range of civilian sectors that serve the russian population. There are no signs that the trend of reducing numbers of healthcare professionals in russia will change during 2024.

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