
Ukrainian Experts Uncover Global Network Supplying russia

The Kinzhal missile’s warhead / Photo credit: The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
The Kinzhal missile’s warhead / Photo credit: The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Forensic analysis exposes components from over 20 countries

The missiles and drones used by russia for daily attacks on peaceful cities and villages in Ukraine contain components manufactured in over 20 countries, according to Nataliіa Nestor, Deputy Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise (KNDISE) of the Ministry of Justice.

She noted that in 2023, the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise conducted around 30,000 studies related to acts of russian military aggression against Ukraine.

Read more: ​russia Receives Western Components for the Latest Carrier of Kh-47M2 missiles - MiG-31I Aircraft

The KNDISE experts examine almost all types of russian missiles, including the Iskander, Kinzhal, Kalibr, Kh-101, Kh-55 and Kh-59, as well as drones like the Shahed-136 and Shahed-121, and reconnaissance drones such as the Kartograf, Orlan-10 and Supercam.

The Shahed drone Ukrainian Experts Uncover Global Network Supplying russia
The Shahed drone / Defense Express

“For example, in the Shahed drone, there are servos, processors, switches and generators from the U.S.; contact tips from Iran; spark plugs and indicators from China; electric fuel pumps from Germany and the UK; seals from Taiwan; Schottky modules from South Korea and so on. In the Kinzhal missile, there are sensors from Spain; buffers, diodes, transceivers and converters from the U.S.; flash memory from Taiwan; filters from Japan; relays from Germany; converters from Switzerland and so on. This means that all missiles and drones, with their essential high-tech components, are manufactured not in russia but in other countries. These include components of navigation, control and guidance systems, microchips, various chips, sensors, boards and more,” she explained.

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