
​The UK Defense Intelligence Reports on russia’s Plans after a Month of Silence in Cruise Missile Strikes

The Kh-101 cruise missiles under the wings of the Tu-95MS aircraft / open source
The Kh-101 cruise missiles under the wings of the Tu-95MS aircraft / open source

Russian Long Range Aviation’s unusual pause in Ukraine operations

The russian Airforce’s Long Range Aviation fleet (LRA) of heavy bombers has not conducted air launched cruise missile strikes into Ukraine for over a month, one of the longest gaps in such strikes since the full-scale invasion began, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

While russia is still able to utilise other strike capabilities, the LRA had been the primary method for conducting stand-off precision strikes. Russia almost certainly needed to reduce the frequency of its strikes to replenish its diminishing stockpile of the Kh-101 cruise missiles.

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence Reports on North Korea Becoming a Major Arms Supplier to russia
The Kh-101 cruise missile Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence Reports on russia’s Plans after a Month of Silence in Cruise Missile Strikes
The Kh-101 cruise missile / open source

Russia will likely use any recently produced inventory LRA munitions to strike Ukrainian energy infrastructure over the winter. Russia will highly likely continue to supplement any such campaign with Iranian-designed one-way-attack unmanned aerial vehicle attacks.

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