
​From Drones to Transport: Over 200 Military Developments Are Now Codified

Illustrative photo / Photo credit: Mykhailo Fedorov
Illustrative photo / Photo credit: Mykhailo Fedorov

Unified codes for military assets drive procurement efficiency and empower Ukrainian innovations for Euro-Atlantic integration

Codified military developments offer a strategic advantage by standardizing names and codes for military equipment and spare parts across different countries. This ensures streamlined procurement and supply chains, enabling the state to swiftly contract and deliver essential defense assets to the front lines. A single registry for codified developments aids in analyzing the needs of the Armed Forces, facilitating integration of Ukrainian defense innovations into the Euro-Atlantic space.

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The Brave1 initiative plays a pivotal role in this process, assisting developers in reaching the codification stage. It also helps them attract investment, secure grants and test their innovations to ensure top-quality, combat-ready solutions. 200 developments have already been codified, including:

  • 110+ drones;
  • 30+ ground robotic systems;
  • 30+ electronic warfare systems;
  • communication tools, transport, and other defense technologies.
Defense Express From Drones to Transport: Over 200 Military Developments Are Now Codified

Many of these advancements are now in use by Ukrainian military forces, showcasing the country’s growing technological prowess in defense.

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