In the eyes of German Obukhov, the use of these theses can help Ukraine gain more international support, and it’s imperative that they come from the President of Ukraine, in particular during one of his international speeches. According to German Obukhov, this could have a substantial socio-political reverberation across the world, especially given that these conclusions come specifically from a Russian-born publicist and philosopher.
We invite our readers to get acquainted with the five proven signs of neo-Nazism in Russia as identified by German Obukhov. We would also appreciate if our readers would communicate this report to the speech writers for the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and use messages formulated by the Russian publicist and philosopher to convey to the world the dangers of flirting with Russia Nazi regime, which may end up in a global catastrophe.
Read more: The 34th Day of the War: Russia has lost 17 200 Personnel, 597 Tanks and 127 Aircraft
Five Proven Symptoms of Nazism in Russia
The main goal of the Russian "special operation", which is actually a war against sovereign Ukraine, Putin called the "denazification" and "demilitarization" of Ukraine. In other words, he decided to fight "nazism” in Ukraine", although in fact the exact opposite is happening. "The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists" - a phrase attributed to Winston Churchill, whether he said it or not. Today we all see - how true this is.
Nazism, as a socio-political phenomenon, HAS FIVE CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS that were in GERMANY from 1933 to 1945:
1. Great power chauvinism.
2. The merger of all branches of government - the executive, legislative and judicial with army and police, the media and the business elite.
3. Aggression towards neighbouring states and annexation of adjacent territories.
4. Persecution of opposition and political assassinations.
5. Glorification of the Fuhrer.
Nazism, as a synonym of fascism, includes all of the symptoms listed above, in full and simultaneously.
The Italian philosopher Umberto Eco and the English journalist Lawrence Britt defined fascism (or nazism) in the form of 14 characteristic symptoms. They were wrong. Some of these symptoms can be found in almost any country in the world. In fact, there are only 5 proven symptoms that took place in Nazi Germany and we see all these symptoms in modern Russia after 2014.
1.Russian propaganda declare that “Russian World” has no boundaries and Russia above the all. It managed to fool a lot of people in Russia and inspire them with a false perception of many problems. Even highly educated people fell victim to sophisticated propaganda. They have been indoctrinated that “Nazis” in Ukraine threaten the security of Russia with the support of the West. This absurdity was accepted as true by the majority of Russians, and today the authorities rely on them. Similarly, the German nation in the 30s of the 20th century was sure of its superiority over other nations under nazist Goebbels propaganda. Goebbels said: “Give me the media and I will make a herd of pigs out of any nation.”
2.There are practically no independent media left in Russia, the last liberal and independent TV channels and radios, such as Rain, Echo of Moscow, Meduza and Radio Liberty, were closed immediately after the start of invasion in Ukraine.
All Russian TV channels broadcast distorted and false information both about Ukraine and the West, determined by the authorities. Legislative power is completely under the control of the Kremlin. We do not hear a single critical speech against the war in Ukraine. In the 3rd Reich, the Reichstag was entirely dependent on the executive branch and the Fuhrer Hitler. All big business and banks in Russia are under the complete control of the Kremlin. Oil and gas companies in Russia, which bring a large share of the country's budget, are completely in the hands of Putin's cronies, although they are private businesses. Similarly, in Germany, the entire industry worked for the war and received orders from the state and the Reich Chancellery. The courts both in the 3rd Reich and in Russia are props. The Gestapo in Nazi Germany played the same role that the FSB and the National Guard are doing in Russia today.
3. In October 1938, Nazi Germany occupied the Sudetenland under the pretext of protecting the German population in Czechoslovakia, and very soon on September 1, 1939, after a provocation on the Polish border, it unleashed the 2nd World War, invading and occupying Poland. Then Germany moved to France and other European countries. In a mirror image, we see the similar actions of Russia, which, under the pretext of protecting the Russian-speaking population in Crimea and Donbas, annexed Crimea in 2014 and seized part of the Donbas in eastern Ukraine. Under the same completely false pretext, the Russian army attacked Ukraine and began to bomb peaceful cities and villages. In fact, Putin started World War 3 on February 24, 2022, but the West does not want to admit this obvious fact.
4. In Nazi Germany, the authorities brutally persecuted any opposition, sending it to camps or physically destroying it, part of the opposition was able to leave either for Sweden or for England. Exactly the same picture is observed in Russia today. For protesting against the war, any citizen of Russia can receive a prison term of up to 15 years. A number of oppositionists are either imprisoned in Russian camps or left Russia in the last 8 years. Street protests in Russia are brutally dispersed by the police.
5. Criticism of the German Fuhrer Hitler was not allowed. He was elevated to the rank of a heavenly messiah, capable of leading the country to prosperity and world domination. We see a similar picture today in relation to Putin. "There is Putin - there is Russia, if there is no Putin - there is no Russia," Vyacheslav Volodin, Speaker of the Russian Parliament, said not so long ago. That says it all. Most of the Russian population believes Putin, even if he tells people an absolute lie.
Summing up the above, we see that today Russia has taken the place of Nazi Germany and turned into the 4th Reich with no chance to free itself from this evil. Nevertheless, all empires, such as the 4th Reich, have one and indisputable property - they either perish or disintegrate under the influence of external and internal factors. So it will happen with Russia.
Reminder by Defense Express
German Viktorovich Obukhov (born November 27, 1949, Chelyabinsk) – a Soviet political prisoner (1981-87), author of five books, co-founder of the “Let's Open the World to Children” Charitable Foundation and Stop Inform Terror Foundation.
Born into the family of engineers, German Obukhov graduated from a secondary school in Minsk in 1966, and received his higher education as an electrical engineer in 1975, at the Minsk Radio Technical University After graduation, he worked as a medical equipment engineer.
In the 1970s he began to write poetry and short stories, during the same period of his life he worked on the book “Faded Dawn”. Obukhov himself, speaking about the book, emphasized that "he made an attempt to impartially analyze both the ideas of creating a communist society and the development of a socialist state." On September 3, 1981, for attempting to publish this book abroad, G. Obukhov was arrested and then sentenced to 4 years in prison and 2 years in exile. German Obukhov was serving his sentence in a labor camp in the Perm region. It is known that on October 30, 1983, on the Day of the Political Prisoner in the USSR in the Perm camp VS-389/37, Obukhov went on a hunger strike in protest against judicial arbitrariness, demanding recognition of the status of a political prisoner. German served his term in a labor camp in Perm Krai. After the full term, Herman Obuhov was exiled to the backyards of the Soviet empire - a village in Khabarovsk Krai.
In 2002, German Obukhov, then Executive Director of the Russian-American Council for Economic Development, together with former Consul General of the United States in St. Petersburg Jacque Gosnell and Debbie McMcFaten, President of the Children's Alliance, founded the “Let’s Open the World to Children” Foundation, which deals with the computerization of orphanages. While founded in the USA, Let’s Open the World to Children Foundation holds an international status, with Russian Federation nationals in its Supervisory Board
To resist Moscow's information war, German Obukhov, assisted by a team of supporters, established Stop Inform Terror Foundation in 2017. This Foundation focuses on the mission of fighting Russia’s interference with US domestic policy.
German Obukhov has been Board member of the International Association “National Policy Institute” since 2018.
Read more: Chronicle of the Russian Federation Crimes in Ukraine (February-April)