
Defense Express’ Weekly Review: Mysterious Drones, Long-Awaited Weapon Arrivals, Canada, UK Prepare to Face russia

Silhouette of the Bullet UAV / Screenshot credit: Military Journal
Silhouette of the Bullet UAV / Screenshot credit: Military Journal

New Drones of War: Ukraine Shows BULLET, russia Attacks with a Mysterious Kamikaze UAV

Ukraine is testing an anti-aircraft interceptor drone, named Bullet. With its speed reaching 130 km/h or higher, this winged FPV drone is supposed to destoy other drones and helicopters with a suicide attack. Looking at the video from the flight test, Defense Express discussed the Bullet's features, configuration and whether its specifications would be enough to live up to the task it was created for.

Read more: ​Ukraine Tests the BULLET Jet-Powered Anti-Air Interceptor Drone
Bullet UAV before takeoff /  Defense Express / Defense Express’ Weekly Review
Bullet UAV before takeoff / Screenshot credit: Military Journal

On the other hand, russia keeps developing unmanned aerial systems of its own. July 21st an unknown UAV was shot down by Ukrainian air defense, nothing like seen previously. The parameters of its flight and design suggest it's a kamikaze drone but it doesn't look any similar to russian Lancet or iranian Shahed-136 used for such attacks before.

Read more: "What is the New Mysterious Kamikaze Drone That Attacked Kyiv? (Photo)"
Unknown new-model strike UAV / Defense Express / Defense Express’ Weekly Review
Unknown new-model attack UAV / Photo: Defense Express

Ukraine Bolsters Air Defenses: Germany Finally Delivers the Promised 100 Patriot Missiles, Odesa Gets Anti-ballistic Cover

After a bit over a month of waiting, Ukraine has received the last batch of Patriot anti-missile interceptors. A total of one hundred newly delivered anti-air effectors will reinforce Ukranian capability to repel russian missile strikes. Although the specific type(s) of interceptors in this package — GEM-T or MSE — is not disclosed, we can estimate the approximate value of this provision: between $500 and $600 million.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Air Force hints that a system capable of neutralizing ballistic threats is deployed near Odesa, a port city in southern Ukraine. A video of a russian ballistic missile downing became viral, testifying that the Ukrainian city is now covered against russia's systematic ballistic strikes. As long as there's enough ammunition.

Ukraine Strikes the Millerovo Air Base, Hitting Critical Targets

Massive aerial drone attack on the night on July 20th caused destruction at the Millerovo military air base in the Rostov region of russia. Satellite imagery and on-site videos by locals indicate fires at multiple critical locations of the facility, including the maintenance and the aircraft fuel storage areas. Defense Express analyzed the visual evidence to assess the aftermath of this strike.

Defense Express / Defense Express’ Weekly Review

The effectiveness of this attack even prompted the russian newly appointed defense minister Belousov to declare a campaign aimed at building aircraft shelters, although the task is not as simple as it seems.

Although not as flashy as a successful strike on an airfield, the Security Service of Ukraine has performed another maritime raid on a russian naval base in Crimea. A combined attack tactic involving both aerial and surface unmanned vehicles has landed a blow on a coast guard base on Lake Donuzlav. The SSU reports damage to the control center, and an ammunition & equipment depot of the russian occupation forces. By the way, speaking of Crimea…

russia Withdraws Last Patrol Ship from Occupied Crimea

According to the Ukrainian Navy report, russia on July 15th withdrew the last patrol ship that had stayed in Crimea. Some were redeployed to the Azov Sea where russians believe it will be harder for Ukrainian naval drones to reach them. Other went to Novorossiysk, a base father from Ukraine's coast yet its relative safety is only for the time being, the Ukrainian Navy assures.

Sea Baby / Defense Express / Defense Express’ Weekly Review
Sea Baby unmanned surface vehicle is a menace for russian warships / Photo credit: Security Service of Ukraine

Canada Triples Its Submarine Fleet to Counter russia in the Arctic

The Canadian government announced a decision to increase the underwater fleet of its navy from 4 up to 18 non-nuclear submarines with a purchase of 12 new units. The additional submarines will be deployed in the Arctic, primarily to counter the threat coming from the russian federation. The process is still in the beginning stage, with more details promised in fall 2024.

The United Kingdom also views the russian threat as serious and prepares to transition to a "new era" in the UK's defense policy against the "Deadly Quartet" comprising the russian federation, China, the DPRK and Iran, as outlined in the Strategic Defence Review by the new ruling party of Great Britain.

HMCS Corner Brook submarine of Canadian Navy / Defense Express / Defense Express’ Weekly Review
HMCS Corner Brook submarine of Canadian Navy / Photo credit: Cplc Blake Rodger
Read more: New Government of the UK Recognized Failure in Defense, Announced Transition to a New Era Against the "Deadly Quartet"