
Crimean Bridge Doomed in Any Case: Ukraine's Navy

Crimean Bridge on fire / Illustrative render by Defense Express
Crimean Bridge on fire / Illustrative render by Defense Express

russian forces periodically transport advanced air defense systems to Crimea via the Crimean Bridge, which enables the Ukrainian army to target and destroy them

Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk said this during a telethon.

He noted that the invading troops periodically transport the latest air defense systems, such as the S-400 Triumf and S-500 Prometheus, to Crimea via the bridge for deployment.

Read more: ​russians Cannot Protect Crimean Bridge Against Sea Attacks
S-500 Prometheus TEL, Defense Express
S-500 Prometheus TEL / Open-source illustrative photo

According to him, the question arises as to why the russian invaders do not pull these defense systems from other fronts to utilize them. It is surprising how diligently they transport them, especially since russia itself periodically experiences explosions and could need these systems elsewhere. Nonetheless, they are systematically sent to Crimea for disposal.

The spokesperson addressed the issue of destroying the Crimean Bridge, which stretches over 18 km.

The Crimean bridge, Defense Express
The Crimean Bridge / Open source illustrative photo

The bridge’s length is not the primary issue, he explained. "Destroying just one section can effectively render the bridge non-functional. The more sections that are destroyed, the harder it becomes to repair it. This location represents a convergence of both our adversary's and our own capabilities. Indeed, there is an echeloned defense system in place—this is a fact. Additionally, a significant amount of russian aviation is in the air, and anti-drone operations are managed by helicopters."

He emphasized that the bridge is doomed in any case, and it is a matter of time, as well as the presence of warships in the Novorossiysk basing point.

"The bridge serves as a final fortification in the Black Sea. Its destruction will further complicate logistics for the russians, which are already extremely challenging," Pletenchuk added.

He also added that there are currently five russian airfields in the temporarily occupied Crimea, with two of them already devoid of aircraft.

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