
​Ukrainian Sea Baby USV Is Now Upgraded with the Grad System (Photos)

The Sea Baby USV with the Grad System / Photo credit: U24
The Sea Baby USV with the Grad System / Photo credit: U24

Mykhailo Fedorov announces the integration of the Grad rocket systems into Ukrainian Sea Baby unmanned surface vehicles

Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, has announced that Ukrainian Sea Baby unmanned surface vehicle are now equipped with Grad rocket systems and are actively participating in combat operations. This enhancement was recently demonstrated when the Sea Baby vessel, operated by the Security Service of Ukraine in collaboration with the Ukrainian Navy, successfully targeted russian positions on the Kinburn Spit from the sea.

The Sea Baby USV with the Grad System Defense Express Ukrainian Sea Baby USV Is Now Upgraded with the Grad System (Photos)
The Sea Baby USV with the Grad System / Photo credit: U24

Mykhailo Fedorov has also released footage showcasing the Sea Baby USV during its winter tests, along with scenes from the drone production facilities where these cutting-edge vessels are being developed.

Read more: ​Ukraine`s Upgraded Sea Baby 2024 Maritime Drone Contains One Ton of Explosives and Range of 1000 Km
The Sea Baby USV with the Grad System Defense Express Ukrainian Sea Baby USV Is Now Upgraded with the Grad System (Photos)
The Sea Baby USV with the Grad System / Photo credit: U24
Read more: Updated Sea Baby 2024 Naval Drone: One Ton of Explosives with a Range of Over 1000 km