
Ukrainian Rescuers in Kherson Get Croatian MV-4 and MV-10 EOD Robotic Systems

Croatian MV-10 heavy-duty EOD robotic system in ​Kherson
Croatian MV-10 heavy-duty EOD robotic system in ​Kherson

Two explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) robotic systems arrived in the Kherson region. The systems will help local rescuers to demine territory to make it safe for locals

This was announced by the head of the Kherson regional military administration Alexander Prokudin.

Read more: ​Slovakia to Send Unmanned Mine Clearance Vehicles and Healthcare Material to Ukraine

According to the official, the systems were produced in Croatia. In one day, they are able to clear up to 5,000 square meters of territory. Prokudin emphasized that the sappers delivered to the region are among the best on the planet. They have fantastic functionality.

Croatian MV-4 multi mission EOD robotic system, Defense Express
Croatian MV-4 multi mission EOD robotic system

The MV-4 multi mission EOD robotic system by DOK-ING belongs to the class of light robotic demining systems. It easily withstands the detonation of ammunition and mines. The MV-4 proved its effectiveness in real combat conditions.

The MV-4 multi mission EOD robotic system is designed for mechanical preparation of soil for mine clearance, search for explosive objects, inspection and cleaning of the territory.

Croatian MV-10 heavy-duty EOD robotic system, Defense Express
Croatian MV-10 heavy-duty EOD robotic system

The MV-10 heavy-duty EOD robotic system by DOK-ING is a more powerful that MV-4 multi mission EOD robotic system. The manufacturing company positions it as the best demining system in the world in its category. According to the company, The MV-10 is the only robotic system in the world with double tool: front-positioned flail tool followed by a rear tiller. To initiate anti-tank and anti-personnel mine fuses, the MV-10 uses a flail tool. The rear tiller is responsible for the secondary processing of the soil.

The MV-10 heavy-duty EOD robotic system can be operated in tandem with additional equipment. You can use the remote control to control the system. It is capable of clearing soil from explosive objects at a depth of up to 60 cm.

As Defense Express reported, that Croatia Prepared Its Mi-8 Helicopters for Transfer to Ukraine.

Read more: ​Russian Copy of Croatian MV-4 Robot Uran-6 Mine-Clearing Platform Blew Up on Anti-Tank Mine