
​Russian Copy of Croatian MV-4 Robot Uran-6 Mine-Clearing Platform Blew Up on Anti-Tank Mine

The russian Uran-6 multi-functional mine-clearing robotic system / open source
The russian Uran-6 multi-functional mine-clearing robotic system / open source

The russian Uran-6 mine-clearing robot tripped an anti-tank mine. The vehicle had been in a service with russia in Palmyra, Aleppo (Syria) and Mariupol. Copy of Croatian MV-4 robotic system was supposed to “withstand regular considerable strong close explosions”

A photo appeared on the network showing the russian Uran-6 unmanned mine-clearing vehicle that blew up on anti-tank mine.

Considering the damage, we can assume that russian robot that weighs almost 6 tons hit a mine not with a mine trawl but with caterpillar band.

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Besides, an operator might have forgotten to lower the mine roller or decided that the vehicle was in the safe zone.

Destroyed the russian Uran-6 multi-functional mine-clearing robotic system Defense Express Russian Copy of Croatian MV-4 Robot Uran-6 Mine-Clearing Platform Blew Up on Anti-Tank Mine
Destroyed the russian Uran-6 multi-functional mine-clearing robotic system / open source

The Uran-6 is a multi-functional mine-clearing robotic system manufactured by JSC 766 UPTK. It’s a self-propelled radio-controlled ground vehicle with mine roller designed to actively participate in mine removal/mine destruction operations in dense urban or lightly-populated remote areas.

It is stated that its inherent weight and armor protection allow the Uran-6 unmanned vehicle to survive modest explosions with little impact to core operating systems - tested against 60 kg of explosive material. But russians note that the vehicle is designed to withstand regular considerable strong close explosions.

The vehicle has been used in the Chechen Republic in mid-2014, Syria in 2016 (in Palmyra and Aleppo), as part of the peacekeeping-minded russian contingent in Azerbaijan across war-torn Nagorno-Karabakh and in Mariupol in May 2022.

The MV-4 light category mine clearance and EOD robotic system by DOK-ING Defense Express Russian Copy of Croatian MV-4 Robot Uran-6 Mine-Clearing Platform Blew Up on Anti-Tank Mine
The MV-4 light category mine clearance and EOD robotic system by DOK-ING / Photo credit: DOK-ING

Should be noted, the Uran-6 robot isn’t a new development or import substitution, the vehicle is a replica of the MV-4 one of the world’s best renowned light category mine clearance and EOD robotic system by DOK-ING (Croatian engineering powerhouse of heavy-duty robotics & autonomous systems).

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