A North Korean ballistic missile launched by russia at Ukraine was found to contain 290 components from over 25 foreign companies, according to Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise (KSRIFE).
Oleksandr Ruvin stated that the British Conflict Armament Research (CAR) center, in collaboration with KSRIFE specialists, prepared a report on the examination of parts and debris from enemy missiles and strike drones.
Read more: North Korea Has a Smaller Version of the KN-23 Missile Earlier Used to Attack Ukraine
“In one object, identified as a North Korean ballistic missile, 290 microelectronic components of foreign manufacture were found. Most of these elements, crucial for the missile’s navigation, were produced by over 25 companies headquartered in the U.S., China, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan and other countries,” Oleksandr Ruvin reported.

He emphasized that imported microelectronics are integral to all types of russian missiles.
Read more: North Korea Supplies russia with 50-Year-Old Ammunition