
Ukrainian Special Unit Destroyed russian Observation Tower - Video

Photo from video that was published on Telegram of Kraken
Photo from video that was published on Telegram of Kraken

Kraken, the special unit of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine's Defence Ministry, has announced that they destroyed the Grenadier autonomous observation tower in Russia's Bryansk Oblast, using a kamikaze drone

The relevant video was published on Telegram of Kraken. It shows that the tower was destroyed on the second attempt.

Read more: ​Ukrainian "Kraken" Elite Unit in Vanguard of the Kharkiv Counteroffensive

"Using a kamikaze drone, the intelligence forces of the Kraken special unit destroyed the Grenadier autonomous observation tower in Bryansk Oblast." - said in the post under the video .

However, the unit did not specify when this happened.

"Kraken" is an elite unit of Ukrainian defense forces established shortly after the start of russian invasion, and pretty soon it was involved in important operations agianst russian forces, particularly in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine.

Read more: Ukraine’s Kraken Unit Uses the MT-LB Mounted With the 100mm MT-12 Rapira Anti-Tank Gun (Video)