
​Ukrainian Special Unit Delivers Swift and Decisive Blows in Zaporizhzhia Region (Video)

The Kabul 9 special unit launches devastating drone attacks, eliminating enemy personnel and equipment / screenshot from video
The Kabul 9 special unit launches devastating drone attacks, eliminating enemy personnel and equipment / screenshot from video

The Kabul 9 special unit launches devastating drone attacks, eliminating enemy personnel and equipment

In a series of successful operations in Zaporizhzhia region, the Kabul 9 special unit of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has been effectively targeting and destroying russian military equipment using FPV drones. Over just two days, the unit’s efforts have significantly impacted enemy assets and morale.

The Kabul 9 fighters managed to destroy the following enemy targets:

Read more: The Defenders of Ukraine Destroyed russian Occupiers' Convoy Led by Tank Shed (Video)
  • Two Ural trucks
  • Two UAZ Bukhanka vehicles
  • One armored personnel carrier
  • One buggy
  • An ammunition depot

Additionally, they struck a concentration of enemy personnel, further disrupting russian operations in the region.

Read more: Ukrainian Defenders Release Video Showing Simultaneous Destruction of Ten russian Military Vehicles