
Ukrainian Soldiers Shot Down Fourth russian Su-25 Fighter in Two Weeks in Donetsk Oblast

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On May 18, the anti-aircraft forces of the 110th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down the fourth russian Su-25 fighter jet in two weeks in Donetsk Oblast

The brigade reported this on its official Facebook page.

"Anti-aircraft gunners of the 110th Brigade continue to punish russian aircraft for illegally crossing the border. Another enemy Su-25 has been downed! Now its remains are rotting in Donetsk Oblast," the military wrote.

Read more: The Third Aircraft in Two Weeks: Anti-Aircraft Forces of Ukrainian 110th Brigade Shoot Down russian Su-25 on Donetsk Front

This is the fourth attack aircraft destroyed by soldiers of the 110th Separate Mechanized Brigade since May 4.

"Our sky will become hell for the occupying pilots! Our brigade number will become a nightmare for them! The genocide of the russian rooks will continue...," Ukrainian soldiers pledged.

russian Su-25 aircraft, Defense Express
russian Su-25 aircraft / Open source illustrative photo

Before this incident, russian Su-25s had crashed following encounters with the Ukrainian military on May 4, 11, and 13.

Read more: Ukrainian Border Guards Showcase Containment of Enemy Near Vovchansk, Kharkiv Oblast (Video)