Ukrainian partisans continue their work in the rear regions of russia. This was reported by the Atesh partisan movement on its official Telegram account. This time, the movement's agent, who entered at the Kingisepp machine-building plant, helped to find out the importance of this object for russian occupiers and got the coordinates: 59.895927, 30.396470.
It became known that this enterprise is engaged in the development of diesel engines of increased power, diesel generator sets, manufactures boats for special operations forces, one and two-axle trailers for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the russian federation, as well as tracked tracks for military equipment.
Read more: Ukrainian Partisans Spotted S-300V SAM System Near Temporarily Occupied Crimea
"All of this is produced here and the fact that the Defense Forces of Ukraine got long-range missiles means that this plant will be an excellent target," the statement reads.
Earlier Defense Express reported that Ukrainian partisans had revealed key air defense locations guarding Moscow.
Read more: Crimean Bridge Is Crumbling Following Ukrainian Attacks