
​Ukrainian Partisans Scouted russian Air Defense Assets in Temporarily Occupied Crimea

Ukrainian Partisans scouted russian air defense assets / Photo credit: the Atesh partisan movement
Ukrainian Partisans scouted russian air defense assets / Photo credit: the Atesh partisan movement

russian occupiers try to protect their facilities from Ukrainian strikes

The Atesh Ukrainian partisan movement reported on its official Telegram channel that its agents had conducted reconnaissance of the location of military facilities near Cape Fiolent. During the reconnaissance, the location of microwave transmission towers was spotted, where radars are installed. Most likely this is the equipment of the 475th Electronic Warfare Center of russian Black Sea Fleet.

According to available information, thispoint is also a place of combat duty of the S-400 SAM system. Ukrainian partisans claim that surveillance continues and all information is promptly passed on to people who know exactly what to do with it.

Read more: ​russians Strengthen Naval Base in Novorossiysk

Ukrainian partisans also monitored the movement of BUK surface-to-air missile systems towards the airfield in Dzhankoi.

The transfer of additional air defense systems is due to the low effectiveness of russian air defense system, which cannot cope with modern missiles used by the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

"The Atash movement continues to closely monitor enemy activity to ensure effective resistance. Communicating information about the enemy in Crimea is our common front against the aggressor," the statement reads.

Earlier Defense Express reported that Ukrainian partisans had reported that russian occupiers' communication hub was hit in Alushta.

Read more: ​Ukrainian Partisans Spotted russian BMP-3, T-72 Tanks in Temporarily Occupied Crimea