In a groundbreaking operation near temporarily occupied Skadovsk in Kherson region, Ukrainian forces successfully destroyed three russian air defense systems using an innovative strategy. According to Ukrainian journalist Petro Shuklinov, drones launched from an unmanned naval vessel, a carrier boat, are responsible for eliminating two Pantsir and one Osa systems.
Petro Shuklinov described the operation as a historic event, highlighting the ingenuity of using naval drones not only as kamikaze or air-defense platforms but also as carriers for strike drones.
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“Based on open-source data, the systems were destroyed by drones launched from unmanned naval vessels. It means that, in addition to the roles of kamikaze boats and air defense boats, a new model, a carrier boat, has been added,” Petro Shuklinov noted.
В оккупированном русскими фашистами Скадовске уничтожены два российских ЗРК “Панцирь» и одна «Оса».Технику в тылу сожгли дроны, запущенные с безэкипажных катеров.
— распад и неуважение (@VictorKvert2008) January 6, 2025
The destruction of these systems underscores the effectiveness of integrating naval and aerial unmanned technologies in modern warfare, further challenging russian forces in the region.
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