
​Ukrainian Manufacturers Significantly Increased Arms Production in 2024

Ukrainian manufacturers significantly increased arms and ammunition production / Photo credit: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Ukrainian manufacturers significantly increased arms and ammunition production / Photo credit: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Almost 480 new samples of armament and military equipment were commissioned in the first half of 2024

This was announced by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on its official Telegram account. According to the report, about 290 samples are products by Ukrainian manufacturers. Aerial reconnaissance and various purposes unmanned aerial vehicles, make up the largest share of the weapons produced.

Ukrainian Manufacturers Significantly Increased Arms Production in 2024, Defense Express
Rys (Lynx) unmanned ground vehicle / Photo credit: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian manufacturers are also actively working on the production of various types of ammunition. But the biggest work is on the production of ammunition for UAVs.

Read more: Ukraine will Repair Artillery Systems Together with Rheinmetall, Possibly the PzH 2000

Communications and electronic warfare equipment, engineering equipment, ground robotic systems, close combat weapons, demining and optoelectronic devices are also developed and manufactured by Ukrainian manufacturers to send them to the front line for the Defenders of Ukraine as soon as possible.

Ukrainian Manufacturers Significantly Increased Arms Production in 2024, Defense Express
Ukrainian manufacturers actively produce verious types of UAVs / Photo credit: the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Earlier Defense Express reported that Ukrainian FPV unit had hit locomotive far behind front line, disrupting crucial supply route.

Read more: ​Ukrainian Yak-52 Aircraft Uses WWI Tactics to Shoot Down russian Drone (Photo)