
Ukrainian Forces Shoot Down Su-25 Aircraft, Inflict Fire Damage on russian S-400 System, and More – General Staff

Photo credit: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Photo credit: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian forces continue to fiercely resist russian occupiers' attempts to advance deeper into the country's territory

On May 22, Ukrainian defense forces shot down a russian Su-25 attack aircraft on the Pokrovsk front.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the number of attacks on the Pokrovsk front has risen to 25. In particular, the enemy is trying to break into our combat formations using assault groups and equipment. The situation remains tense, with nine combat clashes still ongoing.

Read more: Ukrainian Soldiers Shot Down Fourth russian Su-25 Fighter in Two Weeks in Donetsk Oblast
russian Su-25 aircraft, Defense Express
russian Su-25 aircraft / Open source illustrative photo

According to the General Staff, the russian forces have currently concentrated its efforts in the Kharkiv region, as well as on the Pokrovsk and Kurakhove fronts in Donetsk Oblast. The Defense Forces are aware of the enemy's plans and are doing everything to thwart them.

Ukrainian aviation units and Rocket Forces and Artillery struck four clusters of russian personnel, two command posts, two UAV command stations, one electronic warfare system, two guns and an S-400 air defense system. Additionally, it has been confirmed that an enemy Su-25 aircraft was destroyed on the Pokrovsk front.

Defense Express
Photo credit: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Over the past day, 121 combat clashes have taken place. The russians have launched four missile attacks using five missiles, 37 airstrikes using 47 guided aerial bombs, and 376 kamikaze drone strikes, and fired 3,280 times on Ukrainian positions using various types of weapons.

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