
​Ukrainian Drones Fly 300 Kilometers Into russia's Interior, Hit Another Oil Refinery

Pervy Zavod Oil Refenery in Kaluga Oblast, russia / Open source photo
Pervy Zavod Oil Refenery in Kaluga Oblast, russia / Open source photo

The largest refinery in Kaluga Oblast russia, which was modernized for $0.6 billion, was hit by a Ukrainian kamikaze drone

Systematic attacks by Ukrainian long-range kamikaze drones on russian oil refineries continue with constant high intensity. On the night of March 15, the Pervy Zavod Oil Refenery in Kaluga Oblast, located in a village called Polotnyany Zavod, was hit.

The plant is located 300 km from the nearest Ukrainian border as well as 140 km from Moscow.

Read more: ​Russian Volunteers Move Combat Operations to Territory of the Terrorist State

This plant is the largest oil refinery in Kaluga Oblast. But it is significantly gives up in production to such previously attacked giants as LLC LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez oil refinery in Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, which processed 5% of total volume in russia.

Ukrainian Drones Fly 300 Kilometers Into russia's Interior, Hit Another Oil Refinery, Defense Express
russian Lukoil Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez oil refinery is burning after Ukraine`s drone attack / Screenshot from open source video

However, the plant in Kaluga Oblast produces 1,2 million tons of refined oil per year.The plant also specializes in production of petroleum solvents and fuel oil.

It is also important to mention that in 2019, this plant had modernization under the russian state program, which was supposed to invest approximately $650 million. This money was planned to use in 2024 to expand types of products manufactured by the company.

Earlier Defense Express reported that Rostec had exploited Ukrainian scientific facility for military expansion on the temporarily occupied territory.

Read more: Ukrainian MiG-29 Spotted with French AASM Hammer Guided Bomb (Photo)