
Ukrainian Drone Unit Precisely Destroys russian BM-21 Grad System in Motion (Video)

russian artillery units struggle to evade deadly UAV strikes / screenshot from video
russian artillery units struggle to evade deadly UAV strikes / screenshot from video

russian artillery units struggle to evade deadly UAV strikes

Operators of the 412th NEMESIS Regiment from the Unmanned Systems Forces successfully destroyed russian BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher system while it was moving in Luhansk region. The strike demonstrates growing capabilities of Ukrainian drone units in countering enemy artillery assets.

Destroying russian MRLS is a difficult task, as russian forces frequently use “hit-and-run” tactics, firing from one location before quickly retreating to shelters dozens of kilometers away. However, through precise reconnaissance and careful planning, the Unmanned Systems Forces operators managed to execute the strike with high efficiency.

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Footage of the attack shows a bomber drone targeting the vehicle’s cab and hood, likely rendering the chassis beyond repair. While the launcher itself may still be salvageable, the MRLS has been effectively neutralized. This strike highlights the increasing role of drone warfare in disrupting russian artillery operations.

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