
​Ukraine’s War Strategy Against russia will Differ in 2024, Incorporating Previous Years' Experience

Ukrainian soldiers are getting ready to participate in war at a training ground in Ukraine / AP Photo by Kateryna Klochko
Ukrainian soldiers are getting ready to participate in war at a training ground in Ukraine / AP Photo by Kateryna Klochko

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi gave his first press conference since russia's full-scale invasion

The main topic of discussion was a new draft law on mobilization, which was recently initiated by Ukraine’s Government.

Valerii Zaluzhnyi noted that, to deter russian armed aggression, Ukraine needs resources that commensurate with the nature of the actions and capabilities of the occupiers. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are waging the war as well as the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Ukraine’s Government) provides the necessary resources, including the required number of manpower.

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Ukraine’s War Strategy 2024 Against russia will Differ, Incorporating Previous Years Experience, Defense Express
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi / Photo credit: CinC AF of Ukraine

After the issue of demobilization of military personnel was raised in Ukrainian society the Armed Forces of Ukraine as well as the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, have agreed to a potential time limit of the term of military service in case of continuous service during martial law to 36 months. Replacement of the first military personnel will be possible in 2025, provided that there is no escalation at the front line and recruits are available to replace the militaries as well.

In addition to the issue of demobilization, another one was raised regarding the recreation of servicemen who are at the front line. It is the issue of ensuring full rotations every six months for the militaries. "People need to have a rest. I call for commanders on the ground to conduct rotation within military units. However, in order to ensure the rotation of soldiers on the front line every six months by law, the number of troops must be at least doubled," the Commander-in-Chief said.

Ukraine’s War Strategy 2024 Against russia will Differ, Incorporating Previous Years Experience, Defense Express
A potential time limit of the term of military service in case of continuous service during martial law to 36 months / Photo credit: Telegram channel of the President of Ukraine

Valerii Zaluzhnyi also clarified the position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the situation with conscripts. He explained that conscripts need to be discharged so they can have a rest and act in accordance with the law afterward. It is only today that this possibility has appeared during the two years of the full-scale war.

In particular, the preparation of Ukrainian soldiers to fulfill their tasks at the front line was also discussed. The Commander-in-Chief considers that it is unacceptable to send untrained soldiers to the front line and supports initiatives that increase responsibility for such actions. The Commander-in-Chief also mentioned the opportunity provided by the Western partners, such as: the use of their training grounds for the preparation of the Ukrainian militaries. Currently, Ukraine can train up to ten brigades at partner training grounds.

Ukraine’s War Strategy 2024 Against russia will Differ, Incorporating Previous Years Experience, Defense Express
Preparation of the Ukrainian militaries at the training grounds of the Western partners / Photo credit: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

In 2023, Ukraine has learned many lessons, so according to Zaluzhnyi Ukrainian defense will be fundamentally different in 2024. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have identified problems and found almost 90% of solutions to operate more efficiently and save the lives of their soldiers.

Speaking about the mobilization needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Commander-in-Chief pointed out that people will be called up gradually. "The mobilization takes into account the current manning, the formation of new military units, as well as the forecasting of our losses that we may suffer over the next year," Zaluzhnyi said.

Ukraine’s War Strategy 2024 Against russia will Differ, Incorporating Previous Years Experience, Defense Express
People will be called up gradually to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine / Photo credit: Special Forces of Ukraine

But at the same time the Commander-in-Chief made it clear that he did not want his soldiers to give their lives in vain. "Every piece of Ukrainian land is precious to us, however, if it is impossible to perform combat missions, we will protect the lives of our soldiers," he said.

Ukraine’s War Strategy 2024 Against russia will Differ, Incorporating Previous Years Experience, Defense Express
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi during his press conference / Screenshot from the video

So, finally he added that the war still continues and everyone must defend Ukraine, but not only those who were mobilized in 2022 and 2023.

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