
UK Will Provide a New Package of Military Support for Ukraine

UK Stormer anti-aircraft systems
UK Stormer anti-aircraft systems

According to the statement, that as made by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his online speech in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. UK Will Provide a New Package of Military Support for Ukraine on £300 million

“We have intensified that vital effort, working with dozens of countries, helping to coordinate this ever-bigger supply line, dispatching thousands of weapons of many kinds, including tanks now and armored vehicles. In the coming weeks, we in the UK will send you Brimstone anti-ship missiles and Stormer anti-aircraft systems. We are providing armored vehicles to evacuate civilians from areas under attack and protect officials […]. And I can announce today from the UK government a new package of support totaling £300 million,” Johnson told.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his online speech in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his online speech in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

In his words, the new package will include radars to pinpoint the artillery bombarding Ukrainian cities, heavy lift drones to supply Ukrainian forces, and thousands of night vision devices.

According to Johnson, the UK is planning to fortify Ukraine so much that no one will ever dare to attack it again.

Read more: British Anti-Tank Missiles Delivered to Ukraine