
​Two russian Airplanes and a Helicopter Detonated at the Chkalovsky Airfield

Unknown saboteurs detonated the An-148 and Il-20 airplanes, as well as the MI-28N helicopter in the Moscow suburbs / Photo credit: The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine
Unknown saboteurs detonated the An-148 and Il-20 airplanes, as well as the MI-28N helicopter in the Moscow suburbs / Photo credit: The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

Unknown saboteurs detonated the An-148 and Il-20 airplanes, as well as the MI-28N helicopter in the Moscow suburbs

The investigative group of the russian federation is investigating the sabotage at the Chkalovsky airfield, as a result two planes and one helicopter were significantly damaged on September 18, 2023. The incident has caused a major stir among top military officials, as government aircraft, so-called “doomsday planes”, and special reconnaissance aircraft are based at the airport, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine reports.

Unknown individuals managed to plant explosives at the heavily guarded airport and detonated the An-148 and Il-20 airplanes (both belonging to the 354th Special Purpose Aviation Regiment), as well as the MI-28N helicopter, which had been actively involved in countering drone attacks over the Moscow region.

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Unknown saboteurs detonated the An-148 and Il-20 airplanes, as well as the MI-28N helicopter in the Moscow suburbs Defense Express Two russian Airplanes and a Helicopter Detonated at the Chkalovsky Airfield
Unknown saboteurs detonated the An-148 and Il-20 airplanes, as well as the MI-28N helicopter in the Moscow suburbs / Photo credit: The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine

The damage to the airplanes will prevent their quick restoration. The explosion damaged the tail section of the helicopter. Another AN-148, parked nearby, sustained minor damage.

Russian law enforcement agencies are conducting measures to search for the saboteurs and restrict the spread of information about the incident in local media.

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