
​The UK Defense Intelligence: the State Duma Debates Reintegration Challenges of Ex-Prisoner Soldiers

Duma debates the consequences of arming ex-cons as casualties and crime rates rise / screenshot from video
Duma debates the consequences of arming ex-cons as casualties and crime rates rise / screenshot from video

Duma debates the consequences of arming ex-cons as casualties and crime rates rise

Several russian Duma deputies have recently expressed concern about the threat posed to law and order by returning ex-prisoners who have been fighting for the Armed Forces of russia in Ukraine. The Chairperson of the Duma Committee on Family Protection, Issues of paternity, maternity and childhood Nina Ostanina told russian Gazeta newspaper that there will be more crimes as these ex-prisoners are not socialized. She said that ex-prisoners should be constantly monitored by the law-enforcement agencies and society needed to be protected from such people. She said there was an urgent need for legislation. Duma Deputy Maksim Ivanov also warned that there could be an increase in crime after the return of people from the war, according to the UK Defense Intelligence.

Russia has been recruiting prisoners to serve in its armed forces since at least July 2022, a practice pioneered by the former Head of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin. Prisoner sentences are commuted in exchange for fighting in Ukraine. Many have been killed on the frontlines. The First Deputy Chairman of the Duma Defense Committee Alexey Zhuravlev argued that prisoners sent to fight in Ukraine should not be permitted to return to russia until victory is achieved in the war with Ukraine.

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Duma debates the consequences of arming ex-cons as casualties and crime rates rise Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence: the State Duma Debates Reintegration Challenges of Ex-Prisoner Soldiers
Duma debates the consequences of arming ex-cons as casualties and crime rates rise / open source

The russian General Procuracy has ceased to publish official crime statistics since January 1, 2023, likely partly over the possible rise in violent crime committed by ex-prisoners returning from fighting in Ukraine. Russian Verstka media outlet reported in April 2024 that at least 107 russians had been killed and another 100 seriously injured by veterans returning from the conflict. The recruitment of prisoners into the Armed Forces of russia and the implications for russian communities when they are released is a practice and a risk that the russian Government is prepared to take to maintain its war in Ukraine.

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