
​The UK Defense Intelligence: russia Pushes Young Generation for Militant Expansionism

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Illustrative photo / open source

The rise of the Fraternity underscores complex generational dynamics at play within russian society

Konstantin Malofeyev, the owner of the russian nationalist TV channel Tsargrad is the sponsor of a nationalist student movement the Fraternity of the Academics. This organization has cells in various russian universities and adheres to a militantly imperialist outlook. The Fraternity believes that the 21st century could become a golden century of russian culture with russian ideological dominance on a global scale, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

The Fraternity has organized military training and some members of the Fraternity have gone to fight in Ukraine (the movement is totally hostile to Ukrainian statehood).

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence: russia Scrambles to Defend Crimea After Ukrainian Attacks
Illustrative photo Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence: russia Pushes Young Generation for Militant Expansionism
Illustrative photo / open source

The existence of this movement makes clear that there is a constituency in russia for a more militant approach towards both the war on Ukraine and the West. This will likely have an impact on the generational turnover that is likely to take place in russian administrative elites over the rest of this decade.

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence Reports on russia’s Increased Government Spending, Particularly on Defense
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