
​The UK Defense Intelligence: russia Proposes Raising Military Age Limit to 65, Effectively a Lifetime Contract

The proposed age increase effectively turns military service into a lifelong commitment for many personnel / open source
The proposed age increase effectively turns military service into a lifelong commitment for many personnel / open source

The proposed age increase effectively turns military service into a lifelong commitment for many personnel

The russian federation is proposing draft legislation to raise the age of military contract personnel, including those that were recruited before June 2023, to age 65, and age 70 for officers. This would substantially raise the current age limit of 51 for non-officers and would likely extend the contract length, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

The pre-war 2021 life expectancy for russian males was 64.2, according to the World Data website. Therefore, this measure confers on these service personnel, in effect, a lifetime contract.

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence: russia’s War in Ukraine Drains Healthcare System, Leading to Critical Staffing Shortages
The proposed age increase effectively turns military service into a lifelong commitment for many personnel Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence: russia Proposes Raising Military Age Limit to 65, Effectively a Lifetime Contract
The proposed age increase effectively turns military service into a lifelong commitment for many personnel / open source

Although this measure will likely alleviate the need for additional mobilisation, increasing the number of military personnel aged over 51 is highly unlikely to increase russia’s combat effectiveness, particularly in kinetic assaults.

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence: russia’s War in Ukraine Drains Healthcare System, Leading to Critical Staffing Shortages
TAGS russiaWar