
​The UK Defense Intelligence Confirms Relocation of Dnipro Group of Forces to Zaporizhzhia and Bakhmut Sectors

Russian BMP-3 IFV on fire, Donetsk region / screenshot from video
Russian BMP-3 IFV on fire, Donetsk region / screenshot from video

DGF redeployment suggests russia’s reassessment after Kakhovka Dam sabotage and flooding

Over the last ten days, russia has highly likely started relocating elements of its Dnipro Group of Forces (DGF) from the eastern bank of the Dnipro River to reinforce the Zaporizhzhia and Bakhmut sectors, the UK Defense Intelligence reports.

Bakhmut is Ukraine Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence Confirms Relocation of Dnipro Group of Forces to Zaporizhzhia and Bakhmut Sectors
Bakhmut is Ukraine / open source

This potentially involves several thousand troops from the 49th Army, including its 34th Separate Motorised Brigade, as well as Airborne Forces (VDV) and Naval Infantry units.

Read more: ​The UK Defense Intelligence: russia Strengthens Attack Helicopter Forces in South of Ukraine
Satellite images showing the aftermath of the sabotage Defense Express The UK Defense Intelligence Confirms Relocation of Dnipro Group of Forces to Zaporizhzhia and Bakhmut Sectors
Satellite images showing the aftermath of the sabotage / Photo credit: Radio Svoboda

The DGF redeployment likely reflects russia’s perception that a major Ukrainian attack across the Dnipro is now less likely following the collapse of Kakhovka Dam and the resulting flooding.

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