
​Tens of Mi-17 and Mi-35 Will Turn Into Rust Instead of Going to Ukraine

​Tens of Mi-17 and Mi-35 Will Turn Into Rust Instead of Going to Ukraine

Some Latin America countries decided they would prefer keeping trade with the russian federation over sending unneeded equipment to the USA

Presidents of Brazil and Columbia have publicly declined the plea for Soviet- or russian-made weapons that the US sent in an effort to find more weapons for Ukraine. The declared reason to deny the weapons was they "prefer a peaceful solution" to the war of Ukraine against russia. This is according to the reporting by Infodefensa.

As noted by the reporters, Columbia straight refused to send its Mi-8 and Mi-17 attack helicopters, while Brazil only denied spare ammunition for Leopard 1 and Leopard 2 tanks yet, but it also could mean that russian-made Mi-35 attack helicopters were ruled out as well. Despite these Mi-35 being "tied to the ground" anyway due to the lack of maintenance.

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Mi-17 of the Columbian Air Force
Mi-17 of the Columbian Air Force / Open source illustrative photo

The Military Balance 2022 says Columbian armed forces have 19 helicopters of both Mi-8 and Mi-17 types, although Infodefensa states there are 26, and 8 of them have already turned into metal scrap. Meanwhile, Brazil has 12 Mi-35 helicopters bought for USD 365 million back in 2008 (in equivalent, according to that time's exchange rates). All the aircraft were decommissioned due to their poor condition in February 2022.

The President of Mexico has also said his country would not supply weapons to the "conflict zone" between Ukraine and russia. Mexican Air Force possesses 16 Mi-17 helicopters.

Mexican Mi-17
Mexican Mi-17 / Open source illustrative photo

Theoretically, if these Latin American countries responded to the US appeal, the Ukrainian Air Force could receive a few dozen helicopters of Mi-17 and Mi-35 types. However, what is in the way of approval is the ties these countries still maintain with the russian federation.

Brazil is not just a part of the so-called "BRICS block" the Kremlin has high hopes on. Brazil's economy is also very dependent on russian supplies of mineral fertilizers. This is why Brazil was reluctant to send ammunition for Leopard 1 tanks when Germany asked for it in favor of Ukraine.

Mi-8 of the Columbian Air Force
Mi-8 of the Columbian Air Force / Open source illustrative photo
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