
​Slovakia Has Already Ramped Up its Production and Modernization Lines to Help Ukraine

Illustrative photo / Photo credit: The 44th Separate Artillery Brigade
Illustrative photo / Photo credit: The 44th Separate Artillery Brigade

Slovakia joins the Czech initiative to supply ammunition to Ukraine

The Slovak government has announced its participation in the Czech initiative to provide artillery shells to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. President Peter Pellegrini confirmed Bratislava’s commitment to supporting its allies by enhancing the artillery shells acquired through the initiative.

“Leveraging our production capacities, we will significantly contribute to the success of the Czech initiative to supply ammunition,” President Pellegrini stated.

Read more: ​Czech Ammunition Finally Reaches Ukraine, How Many are in the First Batch
Illustrative photo Defense Express
Illustrative photo / Photo credit: Matt Rourke

He further noted that Slovakia has already ramped up its production and modernization lines at its factories, ensuring that a substantial portion of the ammunition will be refurbished locally.

Read more: ​Ukraine Still Does Not Have Enough Artillery Ammunition to Suppress russian Forces