
​russians Want to Install Remote Control on Their ATGMs

russian Kornet ATGM / Photo credit: wikipedia.org
russian Kornet ATGM / Photo credit: wikipedia.org

The state of such developments is unknown. Earlier, russians claimed that they had installed remote control on their ATGMs

russian High Precision Systems holding company is working on the automation and robotization of anti-tank guided missiles. This was announced at the Armiya-2024 forum.

"Of course, new developments in the field of anti-tank missiles are currently underway. Based on the experience of using ATGMs, the created developments are aimed at automating and robotizing the use of the systems," russian media reported, citing an unnamed company representative.

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russians Want to Install Remote Control on Their ATGMs, Defense Express
Launch of Kornet ATGM / Open source illustrative photo

Details of these plans have not been disclosed, but it can be assumed that they involve the integration of anti-tank missiles into ground robotic platforms. It should be noted that this is not a new development.

For instance, in June of this year, the russian federation introduced the Impulse-M transport and combat robotic platform. It can be armed with ATGMs.

High Precision Systems representatives have repeatedly stated that the company is continuously working on the modernization of the Kornet ATGM. In particular, in 2023 it was stated that remote control kits had been created.

Next, we can observe a rather strange situation when the russian federation simply does not synchronize its efforts in one direction. For example, last year, videos appeared where russians boasted about the development for their Fagot ATGM. It was the same remote control, but it looked like the ATGM was fitted with local home-made equipment.

russians Want to Install Remote Control on Their ATGMs, Defense Express
Remote control for ATGM

Moreover, earlier this month, russian marines announced that they were using so-called innovation on the battlefield. It turned out to be a remote-controlled Fagot ATGM. It should be noted that remote control was implemented much earlier in the Ukrainian Stuhna-P ATGM.

Earlier Defense Express reported that russians had built new all-terrain vehicle from Niva and Gazelle components to complement Chinese desertcross.

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