
russian Occupiers Nearly Cease Mining the Black Sea Thanks to Efforts of Ukrainian Defense Forces

russia mines the Black Sea / Open source illustrative photo
russia mines the Black Sea / Open source illustrative photo

russia no longer has the same capabilities to mine the Black Sea as it did previously

Captain 3rd Rank Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy, stated during a national telethon that russia is currently unable to mine the Black Sea.

"At present, russia is virtually unable to mine the Black Sea. Previously, they used aircraft for remote mining, but this practice has ceased. Since the last downing of a Su-24 capable of this, there have been no such incidents," Pletenchuk said.

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Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy russian Su-24M bomber , Defense Express
Ukrainian Armed Forces destroy russian Su-24M bomber / Open source illustrative photo

According to him, the main threat now comes from so-called drifting mines. Ukrainian forces are actively monitoring and neutralizing these mines.

"After a storm, objects can shift, and mines might drift if they become detached from their anchors, which increases their threat. We inspect the routes that ships use to go to sea every day," the spokesman noted.

Defense Express
Ukrainians ensure the safety of civilian shipping in the Black Sea / Photo credit: Mines float ashore in Odessa Oblast / Photo credit: Operational Command South
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