Ukraine’s Atesh partisan movement regularly reports on its actions in the occupied territories of Ukraine on its official Telegram channel. This time the Atesh reported that its agents are continuously monitoring the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy, recording movements of ships in coastal areas as well as various bays of Sevastopol.

"We know about placement of Project 12700 Alexandrit-class minesweepers, two Project 1239 Bora-class hoverborne guided-missile corvettes, as well as Project 1135 Krivak class frigate in the Southern and Northern Bays," the statement reads.
Read more: russian Occupiers Dig Trenches to Hold Crimea, Fearing of Ukrainian Offensive
According to the Atesh, occupiers placed three more ships at a shipyard.
"We are constantly recording the movement of ships in the bays, which demonstrates that occupiers feel anxiety about possible missile strikes against them," the Atesh reported.

Partisans continue reconnaissance and surveillance of the Black Sea Fleet as well as share the obtained information with the Defense Forces of Ukraine. The Atesh is doing its best to ensure destruction of the Black Sea Fleet and liberation of Ukrainian peninsula as soon as possible.

Earlier Defense Express reported that Ukrainian partisans had learned what equipment russian invaders store at one of airfields in occupied Crimea. We also wrote about another military facility in Moscow scouted by Ukrainian partisans.
Read more: russian Occupiers Prepare to Hold Crimea In Fear of Ukraine’s Troops Offence