
​russian Occupiers Dig Trenches to Hold Crimea, Fearing of Ukrainian Offensive

russian occupier digs a trench / Open source illustrative photo
russian occupier digs a trench / Open source illustrative photo

Invaders are building defensive lines in Crimea as local Ukrainian partisans are seriously preparing for a new acts of sabotage in russian occupation forces` rear

The Atesh partisan movement reported on its Telegram channel that its agents had been scouting a location of almost an entire company of russian troops in 15 kilometers from Yevpatoria for 35 days. Occupiers are preparing with all their might to repel offensive of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. They dug two trenches that almost a kilometer long each.

russian Occupiers Dig Trenches to Hold Crimea, Fearing of Ukrainian Offensive, Defense Express
russian occupiers are digging trenches that almost a kilometer long / Photo credit: the Atesh partisan movement

Partisans noticed that military trucks often go to those positions.

Read more: Ukrainian Partisans Found Out What Kind of SAM Systems russians Use to Defend Crimean Bridge

"We were able to find out schedule of transportation of ammunition as well as engineering equipment for conducting further sabotage. Occupiers` preparations are serious, but monitoring is extremely weak," the statement reads.

russian Occupiers Dig Trenches to Hold Crimea, Fearing of Ukrainian Offensive, Defense Express
Ukrainian partisans noticed military trucks that go to russian positions in Yevpatoria / Photo credit: the Atesh partisan movement

According to the Atesh, invaders act in this way because they think they are far from the front line and no one can eliminate them.

"Obviously, this is f false statement and we will prove it soon," the movement reported.

The Atesh partisans work daily in the occupied territories as well as do not leave invaders and collaborators alone. They conduct complex reconnaissance and prepare various kinds of sabotage.

russian Occupiers Dig Trenches to Hold Crimea, Fearing of Ukrainian Offensive, Defense Express
russian invaders are getting ready for Ukrainian offensive / Photo credit: the Atesh partisan movement

Earlier Defense Express reported russian occupiers prepare to hold Crimea in fear of Ukraine’s troops offence.

Read more: Ukrainian Partisans Learn Why russian Occupiers Develop Repair Bases in Crimea