
russian invaders Shells Vovchansk With TOS-1A Solntsepyok Flamethrower Systems

TOS-1A Solntsepyok heavy flamethrower system / Open source illustrative photo
TOS-1A Solntsepyok heavy flamethrower system / Open source illustrative photo

The russian occupying army has begun to hit Vovchansk with TOS-1A Solntsepyok heavy flamethrower systems. The enemy is striking with thermobaric munitions, destroying buildings and civilian infrastructure along its path

This was announced by the spokesperson for the Khortytsia operational and strategic grouping of troops, Nazar Voloshyn, during a telethon broadcast.

He stated that the russian invaders are targeting the city with guided aerial bombs, with six such strikes reported since the start of the day. Additionally, there have been recorded attacks using thermobaric munitions. Nonetheless, these actions have not aided the russian advancement.

Read more: ​Ukraine's Strike on russians in Vovchansk Testifies Precision-Guided Bombs Do Can Be Useful
TOS-1A Solntsepyok multiple rocket launcher, Defense Express
TOS-1A Solntsepyok multiple rocket launcher / Open source photo

"The majority of the city is under the control of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. russia is employing a combination of ground assaults and airstrikes in an attempt to make progress. Additionally, russian troops are utilizing TOS-1A Solntsepyok heavy flamethrower systems in Vovchansk. They strike with thermobaric ammunition, destroying buildings and civilian infrastructure on their way," the spokesperson says.

According to Voloshyn, the russians are attempting to support the advance with the forces of motorized infantry units belonging to the 44th Army Corps, but the Ukrainian Defense Forces are actively destroying all such groups.

Defense Express
Consequences of the russian shelling of Vovchansk in the Kharkiv Oblast

The Khortytsia group spokesperson spoke about the different tactics of the russians on various fronts. According to him, the occupiers mostly attempt to break through with assault units supported by equipment.

"Initially, they deploy assault teams. These groups attempt to infiltrate using small, lightly armored vehicles, as well as golf carts, buggies, and off-road motorcycles. If the groups reach their target, they attempt to secure it. If unsuccessful, it's a 'one-way ticket' for them, and they remain there because our military personnel from the Defense Forces eliminate them," Voloshyn noted.

Read more: Ukrainian Border Guards Showcase Containment of Enemy Near Vovchansk, Kharkiv Oblast (Video)