
russian Forces Employ Mercenaries from Africa and Asia in Assault on Ukrainian Positions

Foreign mercenaries continue to be trained in russia / Photo credit: the National Resistance Centre of Ukraine
Foreign mercenaries continue to be trained in russia / Photo credit: the National Resistance Centre of Ukraine

Tens of thousands of citizens from Asian and African countries are actively participating in combat alongside the russian occupiers

This is reported by the National Resistance Centre of Ukraine.

"Foreign mercenaries continue to be trained in russia, who are then sent to Ukraine. The russians promise them a salary of $2000 to $4000, but in fact pay several hundred dollars in allowances. russian special services are actively recruiting citizens of Syria, Nepal, Afghanistan, India, Congo, Egypt and Central Asia," according to the statement.

Read more: ​russia Trains Recruited Malaysian Mercenaries in Donetsk

It is noted that they are mainly used by the russians to storm Ukrainian positions.

"It should be noted that there is no easy money, and the price for their crimes is rising in Ukraine. Already 400 thousand liquidated Nazis of the russian Armed Forces testify to this, but not personally," the National Resistance Center of Ukraine emphasizes.

Read more: Russia Seeks African Mercenaries to Bolster its Forces in Ukraine